Anwar General Pathology Review for MBBS, BDS, DPT by Dr. Muhammad Sanaullah, published by Zubair Book Depot, is a comprehensive resource tailored for students pursuing degrees in MBBS, BDS, DPT,...
BLOCK 3: Medicnetic MBBS Modular Series Past Papers 1st Year by Dr. Umar Rafi is a valuable resource tailored for first-year MBBS students. It consolidates past examination papers and modular...
"Chapter 1 SEQs And MCQs Book (UHS Modular Curriculum)" by Dr. Abdul Manan, available at Zubair Book Depot, is an essential resource tailored for medical students preparing for examinations under...
G Friends Arts & Humanties Behavioral Sciences for MBBS, BDS, DPT & PMDC Students by Dr. Mubashir Iqbal, published by Zubair Book Depot, is an essential resource tailored to help medical...